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Messages - potpot

on: November 18, 2012, 10:25:56 AM 1 Worksheets Forum / Worksheets Forum / Re: Carpet Cleaning

Here are some tips-you can try it:
Never rub carelessly at a carpet stain, this will only cause it to spread and become permanent and may also weaken the fibre.
Stains that are not treated well often reappears at the surface of your carpet. You may have thought you've cleaned the stain, but soon after you'll see the same making its way to the surface of your rug. To prevent this, cover the stain with a thick cloth and weigh down with something heavy overnight, allowing the cloth to absorb the stain, then, clean as usual.
Never use a hair dryer or an iron to dry a carpet stain, this will only seal the stain permanently on your rug, making matters worse!
Make sure to steam clean your carpet as often as needed. To have a clean carpet, you need to have it either cleaned by a professional carpet cleaner or you will need to use a deep cleaning machine. There are advantages as well as disadvantages to each of these choices. The point is that a thorough cleaning will be needed at the very least every six months to a year.
For particularly obstinate mold and mildew, you can go in for a non-chlorine bleach or lemon juice and salt solution for colored fabrics. Else you can just slightly brush the area with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (one part of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to five parts of water), provided you are sure that the solution doesn't harm the fabric of the carpet.
Watch for spills and take care of them quickly to maintain a clean carpet. Just using water on the spill will help most spills. And, if that doesn't work, expand your search. You will find several products on the market that can help you to get rid of spills quickly. These products range in uses and can be helpful when you match them with the type of spill that has occurred. You can also use a mixture of water and vinegar to help you keep the stains out. Taking immediate action can help to prevent spills from becoming stains leaving you with a clean carpet.
A clean carpet is one that is taken care of. Take the time to vacuum often enough and do it correctly. Go over the floor in several directions to allow the vacuum to pick up all the debris it can. A high quality vacuum is the best choice. Make sure to use it correctly as you are directed by the manufacturer. Also, make sure to keep the bags or containers empty and filters clean as well.
As much as possible, use the mildest cleaning products available in the market on your carpet. Use only harsher ones with stubborn stains and certain spillages. Mild carpet shampoos are still always the best solution.
When using a cleaning product, the trick is "read the label and follow the manufacturer's instruction" if not sure check the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
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