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Cheap Gucci Bags Y132
« on: October 25, 2013, 05:17:37 PM »
It happens every 400,000 years or so, but what causes it is still unknown. Polar Reversal could be due to Prada Outlet Online the influence of an undiscovered Black Hole nearby in space, or a massive sudden upsurge in electro-magnetic activity on the sun. Some 2012 experts believe a Polar Reversal will cause the Earth to start spinning in the opposite direction - a horrifying scenario resulting in massive electrical storms, tsunamis and earthquakes in every corner of the earth. Again the smart money is on surviving underground in the mountains. And preferably ancient mountains made of solid rock like Hermes Birkin Replica the mighty Appalachians. Black Hole in Space We touched on this scenario before, but now we'll get more specific. A Black Hole is what's left over when a giant dying star collapses into a very dense ball of Matter - a ball much smaller than our Moon. This stuff is so dense that a matchbox full of Black Hole Matter would weigh countless thousands of tons. And the thing is that it still has the massive gravitational pull of the huge star whose death created it. In fact, its gravity is so strong that it can swallow up anything within millions of miles - it even pulls in light (which is why they are called Black Holes, because not even light can escape them). A Black Hole suddenly Cheap Mulberry Bags appearing in space, even within several Light-Years of Earth would pull our entire solar system towards it, throwing the orbit of every planet out of kilter. We could collide with Venus, Mars or the Moon. Or the combined gravitational pull of the Black hole aligned with Jupiter and Saturn could rip us away from warmth of the sun, or send us plunging towards it. Either way, the surface of the Earth would quickly become uninhabitable. The only place to survive would be underground in caves or bunkers. Global Flooding Louis Vuitton Bags Outlet The Bible tells us that Noah had 100 years warning of the Great Flood and used his time to prepare for it, building the ark and collecting animals. We will not have the luxury of so much time to get ready if another great flood is going to engulf the world in 2012. Around 60% of the world's population live in areas that would be totally submerged by a flood of only 20 feet high. That's almost three billion people threatened with being drowned. The panic as they all try to get to higher Cheap Timberland Boots ground simultaneously is almost unimaginable. And for most of them higher ground will be beyond their reach. Already the threat of Global Warming and the gradually rising sea levels that will come with it has lead a lot of people to think about the consequences for them and their loved ones if this scenario comes to pass. However a flood in 2012 would come Canada Goose Outlet Toronto much more suddenly - accompanied by massive hurricanes with hundred mile per hour winds and days of unrelenting torrential rain. Roads will be made impassable within hours. Remember Hurricane Katrina? This will be 1000 times worse. So what could cause the next Great Flood? The most likely scenario is Prada Bags UK a near miss by Planet Nibiru.