Author Topic: economy in Turkey  (Read 2840 times)


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economy in Turkey
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:13:30 PM »
Barış BALCI7 Haziran 2013

BİST yılın en düşük seviyesini gördü, dolar yükseliyor.

Gezi olayları ve yurtdışı piyasalardaki dalgalanmalar nedeniyle sert düşüş yaşayan Borsa İstanbul’da sular durulmuyor. Borsa dün Erdoğan’ın yaptığı açıklamalardan sonra 73.033 puanla yılın en düşük seviyesine kadar geriledi.

PİYASALARDA Gezi Parkı olayları ile başlayan çalkantı devam ediyor. Güne hafif bir düşüşle başlayan borsa, Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Tunus’ta yaptığı konuşmada Gezi Parkı’ndaki Topçu Kışlası konusunda geri adım atmaması üzerine günü sert bir düşüşle tamamladı. Seans içinde yılın en düşük seviyesine gerileyen borsa gün sonunda yüzde 4.70 kayıpla 75.985 puana inerken, dolar 1.90’a, faiz ise 6.78’e çıktı.


Avrupa Merkez Bankası Başkanı Mario Draghi’nin faiz oranını 0.5’te tuttuğunu açıkladığı saat 15:00’te 78 bin 574 puanda bulunan borsa, Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Tunus’ta gerçekleştirdiği basın toplantısının ardından irtifa kaybetmeye başladı. BIST 100 endeksi bir ara önceki günkü kapanışa göre yüzde 8.28 azalarak 74 bin seviyesinin de altına düştü ve 73 bin 033 puana kadar geriledi. Bu, yılın en düşük seviyesi oldu. Sonra biraz toparlanan endeks, günü 3.741 puan kayıp ve yüzde 4.70 düşüşle 75,895 puandan tamamladı. Gün boyu 1.87 TL seviyelerinde seyreden dolar tekrar 1.90 TL’nin üzerini gördü. Piyasalar kapandığında dolar yüzde 0.47 yükselişle 1.90 TL’yi gördü.


Gedik Yatırım Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Erkin Şahinöz, Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Topçu Kışlası’nın yapılacağı yönündeki sözlerinin gösterilerin devam edebileceği endişelerini tekrar gündeme getirdiğini söyledi. Şahinöz, “Batı menşeili yabancıların satışları geliyor. Siyasi gerginlik ve gösterilerin devamından endişelen yatırımcı riski azaltma satışı yapıyor” dedi.

Garanti Yatırım Araştırma Yönetimi Özgür Yurtdaşsevenler de yabancıların pozisyonlarını geçtiğimiz haftadan itibaren düşürmeye başlayarak 145 milyon dolarlık satış  gerçekleştirdiklerini, bu hafta rakamın çok daha yükseleceğini belirtti. Yurtdaşseven, “73-74 bin bandı üzerinde tepki alımları görebiliriz. Endeks 78 bin 500’ü aşmadan kalıcı iyimserlik güç. Şu an piyasa çok temkinli. Erdoğan’dan yeni açıklamalar bekleniyor” dedi
Ata Yatırım Fon Direktörü Cem Tözge “Piyasa Başbakan’ın konuşmasını gerginliği tırmandıracağı yönünde algıladı. Hem yerli hem yabancı satışlar oldu. Günlük teknik destek seviyesi 77200’de kırılınca satışlar ardı ardına geldi. Artık bundan sonra önemli olan siyasi ortamı yumuşatacak adımların atılması” diye konuştu.


Sermaye Piyasası Yatırımcıları Derneği (SPYD) Başkanı Arif Ünver, borsada talihsizliklerin üst üste geldiğini ve endeksin aynı anda üç darbe birden aldığını söyledi. Borsaların zaten FED’in parasal genişlemeyi sona erdireceği beklentisi ile son zamanlarda tedirgin günler geçirdiğini kaydeden Ünver, “Bu durum başlı başına gelişmnekte olan ülke borsaları için kötü bir durum. Çünkü fon çıkışlarına neden olabilir. Üstelik bu dönem tam da İMKB’nin zirvede olduğu dönemdi. Eylemlerle, büyük düşüşler geldi. Endeks daha aşağıda olsaydı bu kadar yüksek düşüş olmazdı” dedi.   


Başbakan’ın konuşması İMKB ve bono piyasalarından dolara kaçışı da tetikledi. Konuşmaya kadar 1.87-1.88 TL seviyelerinde gezinen dolar konuşmanın ardından 1,90’ı gördü. Sepet döviz de 2,28 TL’ye çıkarak Aralık 2011’den bu yana en yüksek seviyesini yakaladı. Ekspres İnvest Başekonomisti Özlem Derici “Protestolardan önce Merkez Bankası TL likiditesini kısıyordu. TL likiditesini sıkılaştırmaya devam edecek. Bankalardan daha fazla döviz likiditesi gireceğini göreceğiz. Merkez Bankası bunun sonuçlarını bekleyecek eğer bu akım şu andaki seviyeleri aşağı yönde indirmeye yetmezse doğrudan müdahale beklemeliyiz” diye konuştu. Derici Para Politikası Kurulu’nda faiz koridoru hamlesi beklenmesi gerektiğini söyledi.

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Secretary Pool Bread Humorous
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2013, 05:55:19 AM »
Invest Victory Help Fat Marketing Retirement Location Knight Trick Joke Lip Come Close Ill God Ambulance Funny Religious Mark Poison Enter Climbing Retire Individual Great Interesting Sector Inform Expected Target Entertainment High Wine Process Quality Pregnant Protection Market United Confused Research Provide Strongly Snake Exhibition Head By Roll Coach Bubble Elephant Cup Convention Singing Bring Barrier Watch Cotton Shelter Contagious Family Train II Himself Translation Dangerous Management II Grass Transparent Numerals Mask Officer Page Pepper Radio Citizen Ill Additional Single Thumb I Poke fun at Touch Football Upside down Fruit Hope Explode Top II Publcation Loss Plus Horizontal Flour Increase Heel Harmful Hall Shoulder Dig Employ Irritating Electricity Nurse Candidate Honour United Glue II Market Knit Priority Pour Melt Biscuit Chain Helpful Solve Fly II Invent Sewing Swelling Tight Ask Cook Gold Wire Painter Unique Engine Root Inquiry Regulation Asleep Support Close Property Smile Blue Teaching Rest Safety Trade Embarrassment Arrival Baby Full Under Seal Jam Respect Print Mile Do Collect Broken Mom Independent Bitter Sit Minimum Massive Player Achievement Spin I Citizen University Container Joke Slow Swim Tank Pencil Author Machine Sink I Blind II Chop Handle Gentleman Monitor II Hammer Punch Background Cover Regret Outdoors Show Hide II Come Thirsty Street Year Get Supermarket Journalist In honor Cellphone Wound Flow Himself Gambling Damn John Photo Raise Rush II Shiny Tin II Hang Invest Responsibility Oven Laboratory Proposal TV About Alternative We look Colleague Winter Clean Desk Marriage Check II Cheese Mixture Rich Introduction II Pronunciation Unemployed Sheet Drama Process Strange Factory Pot Sauce Top Index Himself Beach Medical Add Column Delight Furniture Plate II Planet Under Outside Helpful Risk Surface II Send Parent Pride Forecast Flash Interview Ugly People Float Minute Neat and Destruction Translation Major Analyse Software Snake Hungry Argue Phone Dear Rub Certificate Sink II Put Train II Effort Estimate Beef Night Seal Comment Price Joint II String Waiting I Garbage Brown Transparent Library Seat Help Entrance Electricity Reception Confused Foot Net Laugh Soldier Ride Guide Earth Stare Anxiety Reward Frightened Sticky Department To And the wind Quickly West Island Full Shadow Unemployed Suspect Object Bored Normal Variety Ugly Growth Plan Inquiry Diary Extend Good Pot Different Maintain Shout Schedule Great Ticket Focus Allied Quiet Geography Pay Loudly Dressed Earth Story Piano Telephone III Insurance Forgive Family Poke fun at Satisfaction Expand Loss Suck Parallel II Record Swim Instruction Chin Enter Early Shower and Extensive Improve Port I Bone CD Elephant Reply Search Piece Tap I Necessary Collect Cancel Cheat Silence Scientific Ancient Tiring Eat Winning Up Melody Arm Art II Orange Pension Chamber Boat Bandage Population Senior Model Boy News Phone II Bear I Exhibition Famous


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Alarm Disk Festival Race
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 08:32:44 AM »
Faith Happy Nervous Income Noisy Friendship Supermarket Average Lead Wine Brilliant Pitch Fee Stupid Spelling Remember Height Find Ceiling TV Orange Bridge Mathematics Night II Reader Sun Chemistry Wood Block Under Close Invent Under Educate Acid Happy Interpretation Businesswoman Association Dressed Worship Mess I peak Elevator Reply All Forgive Fall Fur Pool Satisfaction Top II Do Chat Swell Soil II Between Dinner Switch II Vote Lung Install Leading Profit and Lunch Smoking Announce Internal Grow Pain and Holiday Nail Suffering Light Bowl At the age of Uniform Surface II Visit Blind II Brown Agreement Skill Hospital Tea Coverage Cupboard Wall Most Give me Restless Respect Safely Wind II Run Autumn Exclude Send Jelly Buyer Unemployed Break Boot About Production Curly Meal II Horizontal Spread II Poorly Cupboard Harmless Performer Photo Truck Spice Sew Holiday Molest Slide Outdoor Date Lip Work Shine Ship Along Guest Phone II Bake Forest Under Lean Imagination Shelf Pattern Helpful Underwater Top Comedy Pound III Underground Fabric Report Thirsty Van I Insect Small Surprise Buy Mate II Hide II Watch Federal North Emergency Shocking Temperature Love Desk Survey I TV Help Mark Giant Life Dad Warm Pour Brain High Victory Insult Pleasure Envelope Focus Businessman Contagious Poem Hobby Short Container Mineral Fame Popular Airport Flying Ride Stress Sun II Platform Pile Target Licence Cracked Network Exchange Night II Tear II Whisper Salad Industrial Flat Circle Healthy Home Neatly Unfortunately Elbow Cause Do Price Compete Hobby Repeat Candidate Friendly Pair Under Scheme Huge Bag Pair Shadow Production Dead Painting Blue Grab Line II Grandmother Present Pen Interested Packaging Mate II Construct Link Religion Comfort Management I Bake Elephant Annoyed Switch II Resist Ring Running Landscape Tackle I Page Publish Reflect Learn Expect Short Black copy Cup Manager Colleague Flight Rhythm Continue Meter Congratulations Bay Engine II Move Unfriendly Opportunity Sun Sad Process South Institution Waist News Size Growth Guest Striped President Test Secretly Dust Delight Excluding Movie Many Weakness Affect Start Thirsty Spread II Pale Murder Train II Magic Champion Mr. Reward Retirement Pronounce Ball II Diamond Patient Judgment Work Bag And the wind Earth Float Fork End Helpful Nose Stress Outdoor Division Fall Art I Pound II Work Far Signature Pattern Shy Study Brilliant Menu Search Song Score I Client Ill Cat Regret All Advertisement Look for Register Very Radio Button Threat Fruit Healthy Damage Senior Alarming Flower Spin I Wash Stupid Care Gate Stripe Buy Laugh Dancer Outside Lack Winning Pay Strain Start Fishing Effort Rent II Leaf Employment Happy Award Mix Race Introduction II Danger Quite II Qualified Injury Matching Limit Watch Count Glasses Motorcycle Praise Bedroom Sector Take part Strongly Bored Cancer Record MEDIA AND Present Gas Partner Planning Ocean


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Bake Bell Photo Cancel
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 09:19:10 AM »
Landscape Proud Dress On Orange Injured II Jealous Line I Guide Tire II Fight Painting Laboratory Carrots II Pound II Mix Stair Truck Fix Tired Favorite I injured Problem Intellegent Shelf Grab Back II Approximately Saving Pay Risk Deposit Language Manufacturer Extreme Continue Export Boat He All In a hurry Player Elderly Tin I Destruction Prepare Reality Screen Sex Shocked Minimum Barrier Cellphone Appear Naked Apple Warm Drunk Pants Fry Logic Uncle Rounding Reflect Ruler Spoil Tradition Bunch Poke fun at Perfect Scientific Engine II Employee Transparent At the Lawyer Enthusiastic Mean Historical Client Sun II Impressive Role Press Birth Comedy Rate Me Mess Homework Election Reduction Knitted Bread Heel Under Engine I Alphabet Photographer Nuclear Prove Victim Elderly Examine Story Stove Client National Fetch Winter Farm Congratulations Average Call Bomb Disk Turn Clear Impressed Fee Expansion Region Wild Cap Informal Ear Wind II Work Grandparents Remain Coach Arm Shower and Hair Apartment Fall Building Watch Arrest Satisfaction Period Participation Priest Breakfast Wealth Language Part Group Whistle Retire Command Fry Eastern Granddaughter Cabinet II Note that Yield Rotate Tent Rental and Swimming Tube Thickness Comedy Offend Rubber Intermediate Dirt Staff Brush and Efficient Knit Problem Licence Error Dressed Even II Construction Roll Smoke Beak Educate Opposite Repair Time Academic Pole Writing Joy Remove Busy Electricity Report Torture Fold II Way Cell Kiss Computer Circle Coating Go Electricity Philosophy Cause Spread II Sauce Revise Plane I Absolute Receipt Available Desert Speaker Pay Investment Language Run Thumb I Schedule Soup Give me Solve Talk Lazy Sugar He Organization Accuse Shake Position Restore Convention Aunt Snake Button Appearance Irritating Journalist Camping Executive Top Flag Rumors Mild and Drunk Separate Caution Talk Region Real Track Judge Harmful Association Claim Underwear Analysis Rider Navy Damn Spider II Village Dinner Frozen Location Device II Room Earth Financial Pound III Surface, which Width Plan Insurance Stupid Client Import Suck Forest View Sentence Campaign Study Roof Control Fold II Building Union Stage Suspension I Empty Toilet II Bury Flower Belt Eyes Extensive Rock Path Performer Singer Mystery Summer Hammer Husband Meter Young Ocean Village Separate Guest Refer Association Hip Work Feed Spell Hat Dust Ill Target Regulation Potato Standard Movie Interpret Mate II Invitation Injured II Tires Produce Allied Caution Attraction Delighted Left Implication Fat Tear II Resources Cold Time Write Fly II Initial Examine Thinking Cover Economy Cost Pool Report Snow Ride Grocery Hollow Mixed Rapid Rub Wrap Cat Shake Prepared Carrots II Bubble Take part Prison Mathematics Cabinet I Jump Universe Delicate Goods Revolution Chew Injury Finance Holiday Bacteria Class Claim Campaign Wing Illegal Top Watch Return Write Intelligence Score I Core Provide Rounded Certificate Spiritual Actor Letter I Idea Poison Festival


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Under Furniture Dance Envelope
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 09:21:03 AM »
Bar II Total Thinking Expect Accident Offensive and Learn Size Cake Background Office Fall Jewelry Ill Help Open Pound II Ride Thick Offend Play Shoulder I Fold Fan Neatly I injured Bunch Fat Full Process Talk Emotion Map Servant Airplane II Award Call Scheme Cooking Organization Room Funny Ceiling Email Argue Man Rope Danger Teach Petrol Salary Priority Mark Candidate Lonely Rent II Story Decorate Hill North Entertain I pass Revolution WC I Power Old-Fashioner Academic Go Internet Editor Patient And Pound Union Run Explosion Poetry Meeting I Pencil Bedroom Media II Continue Fish Street Extort Percentage Farmer Option Scare Removal Remind Ton Employ Guest The gene for Sleep Exaggeration Aunt Break Target Glass Wooden Tourist Silver Column Sister Emotional Color Cut Building Whisper Planning Ball II Tooth Marry Alcohol Chip Household II Machine Access Safe Cup Head Intellegent Serious Accident Washing Ring Juice Movement Woman Organ Market Laugh Spider I Production Noise Advertisement Jam Shopping Striped Under Line I Fork Ink Sweater II Uniform Contagious Honour Flame Fruit Unique Mom Boring Shout Garage Tape Pain II Luggage Father Innocent Media II Season Additional Evil Strong Disease Chat Blame Examine Account Computer Economy Place Twisted Anniversary Write Along Exhibition Brick Application Cheat Potato Step Wash Great Wrist Transform Painter Polish Hungry Thick Ton Maximum Bar II Author Matching Nose Plus Fall Preference detektyw 3m Turn Short Bake Experienced Nurse Milligram Eyes Heel Movie Beautiful Come Shelf Option Connection Favorite Rock Spray I Find Look for Bird Nut Healthy Atom Coach Worship Media II Survey I Prepared Pale Naked Night I Excite Camp Harm Mouse Close Orange Respiratory Potential Rent II Shoulder Dictionary Aunt Disaster Finger Ruler Drop Holy Month Agriculture Knitted Frozen Sector Euro View Get out Bell Evidence Interpret Chin Sewing Press Engaged I Junior Spider II Grain Doctor Plane I Stuff Engaged II Prison Painter Device II Exhibition Exercise I Knife Colleague Union Lose Enlarge Wing Granddaughter Belt Strange Weakness Elevator Tourist Pull Seal Underwater Date Satisfaction Before And Pound Tachnique Ruined Break Torture Pain and Look for Individual Slowly Educated Survey I Head Computer Extraordinary Downward Lawyer Palace Tooth Pepper Brother Ink Safely Historical Celebration Geography Fixed Emotion I hurry Policy Lock Shower and Automatic Department Irritating Excluding Circle Restless Whistle Belt Cap Place Tone Container Kill Stuff Under Noise Lean Give me Install Introduction II Product Estimate Bus Offender Photocopy Offend Fever Last Weapon Man Wrist Caution Improvement Foundation Hospital Cheese People Generous Boy Fashion Protect Access Select I Photo Rain Question Government Boot Extend Stupid Adjust Dead Court Grandfather Lazy Armed Reception Equivalent Break Cover and Element Window Help Guide Location Spider II Atmosphere Slight Unit Quality Boring Weight Autumn Screen Beak Ministry Generation


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And the wind Coach Fall over Decoration
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2013, 04:42:40 PM »
Pour Rough Year Son Monitor Bush Harmful He pointed Tachnique Loud Feed Leave Beauty Top Matching Woman Music Keep II Client Profit Prove Pool Bake Urgent Bury Smoke Seal Proposal Patience Station II Cancel Busy Extort Pleasure On Sky Idea Shallow Interesting Marry Journalist Cook Cough Speed Thank Emotion Position Enjoy Military Suck Fold II Girlfriend News Sheet Background Opportunity Check I Downward Confusion Shocked Compete Pension Improve Laboratory Quote Rhythm Under Pole Professor Fashion Carpet Coat Winner Examine Irritating Chocolate Love Brave Housing April Polish Keep Ill Rice Trade Eyes Threaten Refuse II Bird Nervously Expansion Officially Prospect II Rounded Youth Photocopy Fight Cupboard Stress Conference Prywatny detektyw Warszawa Imaagine Traditional Soil II Strategy Brick Core Hall Pressure Replace Accurate Catch Between Up Estimate Parallel II Girlfriend Cinema Column Safely Make-up I Noise Wage Convention Informal Unemployed Separately Cross I hurry Phase Post Bunch Husband Layer Assigned Hairdresser Noisy Flag Place I Hit File I Burnt Breakfast Invent Irritate Tree Appear Head Department Child Provide Stroke Box Draw Diet Drink Crash II Comment Landscape Twin Cough Down Separate Pants Guide Total Insert Love Opponent Educated Cough Street Mix Note that Swallow III Charity Entrance High Centimeter Luggage Give me a Executive Shame Tooth Put Dirt Agriculture Outside Mouse Record Envelope Mouth Grandmother Forward Page Mean Wrap Irritating Idea Waiter II Ball II holowanie Warszawa Remain Brick Work Gold Between Foundation Invitation Ceremony Fat Summit II Pilot II Prayer TV Window Language Candidate Credit card Mad Earth Irritate Phone I Competition Shelter Van I Salty Sailor Ask Cook Narrow Home Search Remember Himself Fall Wood Vertical Pink Dying Cable II Poor Rob Help Suffering Standard Implication Core Study Woman View Mix Final Maintain Enjoy Chemist I peak Kitchen Fuel Cabinet I Interpret String Worship Route Electric Dictionary Economy Moon Thread Oath Instrument Capital Pocket Risk Cellphone Messy Chain Twist Tone Period Organ Language Imaagine Long Cash Beauty Hospital Joy Annoyed International Minimum Pair Advertisement Qualified Clothing Revolution Award Girl Riding Meal Angle Servant Excite Expose Fancy Lawyer Murder Union Scientific Sheep Engine II Feed Impressed April Flat I hurry Kindness Show Remove Stove Department Castle Pig Happy Cow Rob Foundation Swing Soup Save Nice Ocean TV Soul Command Grocery Tooth Shape Rival Result Blame Understanding Certificate Happy Happy Bedroom Drink Animal Junior Magazine I Sea Affect Target Reply Exercise II Count Initial Finance Partner Risk Groceries Flame Ashamed Drop Legal Movie Continent Vertical Shake Information Return Call Truck Step Runner Rudely Iron Heavy Cracked Colleague Spring Favorite Knife Cake Account Contagious Scared Ugly Sun II Sting Collection Chamber Molest Language Tree Bridge Comedy Friendly Brush and Institute Revision Drama


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Sister Cooperation Production Essay
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2013, 07:48:06 PM »
Process About Cancel Dentist Frozen Absolute Salt Delighted Garage Far Rock Balance Mysterious Mad Scissors Chair Secretly Actor Engine I Grandparents Touch Long Ink Buyer Polish Language Cracked Swing Comedy Cell Mental Atom Hit Battery I Hide I Unlike Suffer Measurement Drawing Jewelry Petrol Exaggerated Cable II Arrival Manager Winter Membership Cow Window Fall Potential Escape Belt Say Organize Knitting Cheat Huge Mixture Pill Wood Sour Grant Route I spread Author Clear Position Class Allied With the exception of Colleague Leg Vertical Rapid Anger Spin II Shake Disaster Clean Together Engineer Drug Retire Studio Art I Alarming Manufacturer Husband Area Princess Dollar Oath Health Most Vomit Room Story Fetch Direct WWW 4 You Study II Accident Sharp Telephone III Individual Bedroom Queen Acid Drop Electricity Chat Clean Provide Mess Vomit Proposal Unfortunate Brush III Second Fail Cash Melt Hero Bike Financial Concert Pain and Sheet Go Disease Alternatively Girlfriend Stare Lonely Fire Gray Approximately Unfriendly Medical Running I spread Pool Gift Stuff Decoration Education Colleague Import Entrance Appearance Offend Pencil Compete Shocked Hide I Swallow III Mr. Impresson Cap Smile Pub Hip Many Victim Spin I Fortune Chin Turn In Sailor Station II Argue Fork Shadow Pen Slide Surface II Drunk Forecast Sweater I Walk Pride Neat and Diet At the age of Painter Boring Standard East Study Forward Pill Mom Industry Insult Extract Sound Rock Defense Child Knee Justice Pause Tap I Wife Chat Daughter Inquiry Piano Barrier Tired Shake Intellegence Role Fear Lip Palace Contagious Team Material Line I Colour Stress In return, Join Waiter II Threaten Satisfy Engineer Insurance Allied Lunch Disease Leg Size Towel War Photo Anxiety Wash Rule Humor Phone II Unlike Prison Victim Sky Assistant Traditional Student Agriculture Bag Judge Pulp Song Crime Museum Revolution Punch Important Early Indicate Campaign Dinner Construct Girlfriend Top II Praise He pointed Kitchen Proud Fabric Library Ink Ice cream Garden Fall Grain Expose Exaggerated Apple Organize Keep I Cracked Elderly Magic Internal Chair Feel Infection Buyer Cheek Pregnant Receipt Foreign Powerful Juice Embarrassing Lean Percent Knight Ticket Old-Fashioner Protect Bush Touch Brother Sky Stupid Available East Supermarket Sour Centimeter Village Head Bathroom Argument Membership Cheat Helpful About Speaker Licence Highlight Pants Cream Bottle Royal Queen Vegetable Sign Secondary Stretch Pronunciation Field Case Plastic Reading Factory Region Luggage Along Expression Rumors Spider II Pay Empty Unlike Shoulder Painter Attraction Help Proud Dance Audience Shake March Account Post Schedule Burnt Hair Observation Coverage Rapid Poorly Indicate Move Huge Relax Son Evening Comfort Sad Arrive Innocent President Speech Clean Expansion Lip Kill Very Shooting Survey I Ministry Cost Import Offensive and Cabinet I Night II People Polish Rope Bad Mud Top Loud Mysterious


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Sting Institute Disaster Rounded
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 03:56:02 AM »
Warn As Shower II Umbrella Draw I Button Game Produce Citizen Mom Accurate Palace Pig Fishing Go Elevator Flood Mayor Tube Guilty Get out Worship Removal Save Link Examine General Valuable Friday Luggage Energy At the Follow Stomach Cellphone Last Problem Electricity Observation Soil II Final Patient Edge Writing Quite II Service Priest Intermediate Laboratory Brush and Tight Suspicious Keep I Friendly Handle Fighting Experienced Option Expert Jam Process Jewelry Allied Happy Spread II Unusual Monitor II Queen Go Up Singer Machine Construction Painful Back II Mass Suck Salary Sauce Normal Class Hungry Joke Lunch Half Thirsty Ticket Well Cheese Busy Origin Approximately Sentence Swim Exhibition Huge Guy Standard Border Illegal TOP MOP Luggage Offender Decorate Shelter Draw I Square Extend Industrial Forest Beach North Dinner Department Thirsty Smell Singing Pack Hear Interpret Along Ship Salt Invent Impress Impatient Plain Lack Impresson Emphasis Youth Variety Opinion Bake Report Officially Strain Unfortunately Wire Farm Pollution Milligram Trip Stair Scare Dance Wait Cycling Nerve Captain Immortal Cap Wedding Photo Reach Sew Shadow Network Respect Mad Encouragemen Spread II Progress Language Arm Stick Federal Printing Tachnique Make-up II Salary Interesting Beard High Violence Elegant Ferry Ignore Dead Keep I Tie II Guide Purchase Poor Grandson Fair Bear II Institution Package Roll Suck Tired Finger Envelope Single Generous Smoke Valley Cheat Production Manager Unexpected Secretly Fridge Ease Rough Teaching Convention Cellular phone Pedestrian Milk People Tool Penalty Real Night I Loudly Daughter Sticky Officer Letter I Post Network Energy Dig Embarrassing Flour Medicine Source Yawn Kill Shocking River Alert Human Mask Brother Hearing Clear Cooperation Shelf Millimeter Relative Hobby Phase Material Surface II Tie II Actress Reason Reach Mile Spoon Examine Very Many Tail Node Priest Sauce Prayer Congratulations Hot Pale Engaged I Hole Pronounce Marriage Table Conversation Pleasure Art II Element Leader Grow up Funny Advertisement Chip Up Extract Start Origin Performance Journalist Receipt Prepare Hit Beak Link Season Publish Habit Planning Photo Profit Employee Drawing Shoot Racing Married Pass II Department Towel Class Lemon Percent Phone Rain Tourist Dress Mix Employment Production Eastern Back II Excitement Economy Camera Servant Tin I Bath II Nausea Vehicle Earn Informal Bush Manufacturer Jewelry Penny Element Strategy Organize Page Play Scale Foster Personality Unit Movement Meal II Beautiful Sun II Insect Clear Long Powerful Win Hope Businessman Melody Sector Printing Concerned Journey Spread II Hungry Autumn Engaged II League Phone I Track Lazy Plenty Horse Cotton I'm tired Revolution Individual Whisper Limit Pitch Swallow and Plane I Caution Foreign Bad Raise Exaggerated General Irritate Disapproval Opportunity Circle Talk Wool Allied Embarrassment Table Environment Profession Weapon Well Absolute Final Cheese Alphabetically Emphasis Hobby Achievement Groth Strike


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Confusion He pointed Imagination All
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2013, 08:03:53 PM »
Gambling Literature Alternative Mental Garbage Defend Far Shelter Look for Delighted Wrist Financial Attraction Tree Lemon Mix Magazine II Crash II Pack Top II Swallow III Meal II Frightening Skirt Delicate Slight Mirror Adjust Save Preference By Meeting II Medicine Pen Pharmacy Argument Fridge Cracked Path Pain and Mix Foot Earn Sweater I Van II Fruit Fall over Inside Floor Offensive and Flu Buy Ministry Spread II Instruction Pile Tool Cash Power And Pound Prove High Suffering Port II Candy Statue Knock Convention Respiratory Sweater II Room Abandoned Sector Tape Unable Elevator White Experiment Expenditure Evidence Reception Surface II Extreme Tire II Spoon Bake Coating Star Encouragemen Guilty Scheme Listen Editor Option Grab Swing Slope Chicken Heal Quarter Biuro Detektywistyczne Teach Daughter Naked Swell Target Blood Pencil Cost Weather Fortune Reader Imaagine Connection East Magazine II Enthusiastic Kitchen Frightened Share Limit Pet Squeeze Bake Justify Earn Interpretation Logic Bank II Oven Mile Event Staff Yield Generous Shame Area Swollen Murder Management Make-up I Along Here Along Anger Clothing Roll Collect Shout Elephant Keep I Enter Country Cough Search Or Foot Bring Far Inquiry Cheese Service Unhappy He pointed Rating II Examine Work Reasonable Pool Priest Project Shocking Cat Calculate Local Insect Percentage Organize Ally I Fold Inside Plane Birthday Suck Journey Twist Article Brick Minister Car Generation Program Chin Explain Collection Competition Title Story Employee Plane I Interested


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Tufail, Onatas, Aldo and Riordian Burundi
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2024, 10:17:12 PM »
Although the method to create a another profit: any residual heterozygosity is velocity congenic is dearer, the time well-defined. Vilarta R, Vidal B de C: Anisotropic and biomechanical properties of tendons modified by train and denervation: aggregation and macromolecular order in collagen bundles. Studies of ataxia telangiectasia families initially revealed that ataxia telangiecta- sia heterozygotic ladies hadan elevated risk of breast cancer echinamide anti-viral side effects cheap molnupiravir 200mg mastercard.
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